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Immanuel Laidlaw

my story

Immanuel Laidlaw is a professional with a background in the entertainment industry. He started his career as an intern at a local black owned and operated radio station in Atlanta and eventually climbed the ranks to become a Program Assistant. Later on, he became an inaugural fellow with Cortez Bryant's Project Go Dark, which was founded by Lil Wayne's former manager. During this experience, Immanuel realized that he wanted to contribute more intentionally to narrative change, which led him to switch lanes.


Immanuel's community involvement began in 2017, when he faced adverse situations as an Opportunity Youth during his college years. He felt a strong sense of responsibility to get involved, and subsequently worked with organizations such as OYU and United Way. Most recently, he has found a home at the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, where he continues to pursue his mission of using artistic expression to change narratives and expand perspectives in the community.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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